Latest version.
  • The duties of the office of City Attorney shall be as follows:
    (a) To act as the legal advisor for the City and to its officers and employees in all matters relating to City affairs, and
    (b) To appear and defend the City in all matters in civil litigation involving the City and its officers and employees, except those involving insurance coverage or Workers' Compensation. He/she shall prosecute all violations of City ordinances, but may, with the approval of the City Council, delegate such authority to the District Attorney, and
    (c) To prepare, or cause to be prepared, all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, opinions and other legal documents as required by the City Council relating to the affairs of the City, and
    (d) To perform such other duties as may be required by the City Council. The City Council shall provide a defense for, and indemnify, the City Attorney for action brought against him/her in the scope of his/her employment as Attorney for the City and for the Community Redevelopment Agency.